Our Pricing
Please see below a guide price list for grooming services for most popular breeds.
All prices serve as a guide and may differ depending on your dog's coat condition and time required to groom.
We make sure that all prices are fair, accurate & according to the current market values. All prices include 1 to 1 service to best suit your fur friend's needs, using only high-quality products and individualized care.
Should you not find your pooch in this list, please do not hesitate to contact us for a quote or book your 15 minute free consultation.


Long Coated Breeds
Yorkshire terrier £40
Maltese £42
Chihuahua £30 (smooth)
Lhasa Apso/Shih Tzu £42
Havanese £42
Bichon Frise £45
Cocker Spaniel (working) £45
Cocker Spaniel (show) £50
King Charles Spaniel £42
English Springer Spaniel £45
Bedlington Terrier £45
Border Terrier £40 (clipped)
Tibetan Terrier £50
Wire Haired Fox Terrier £45
Miniature Schnauzer £45
Giant Schnauzer £65+

Smooth Coated Breeds
Jack Russell Terrier £40 (clipped)
Jack Russell £30
Pug/French Bulldog £30
Miniature Dachshund £30
Whippet £30
Chinese Shar-Pei £42
Dalmatian £38
Staffordshire Terrier £38
Bulldog/Boxer £40
Basset Hound £35
Beagle £35
English Bull Terrier £35
Greyhound £32
Labrador £40/£45 (thick coated)

Double Coated Breeds
Pomeranian £40
Chihuahua £36 (long)
Newfoundland £75+
St. Bernard £80+
German Shepherd £50(short) £65(long)
Husky £60+
Akita £65
Bearded Collie £50+
Rough Collie £65
Border Collie £45 (short) £50 (long)
Golder Retriever £50+
Irish Setter £55
English Setter £+55

Poodle & Poodle Crosses
Cockapoo £48 (small) £55 (large)
Goldendoodle £60+
Labradoodle £60+
Cavapoo £45
Jack-A-Poo £40
Lhasapoo £45+
Toy Poodle £42
Miniature Poodle £45
Standard Poodle £65+
(clip off £60 in average condition)